Exchange rates (08/01/25):

USD/UAH: 25.60/26.50

USD/RUB: 60.00/65.00

Operator Status:


(08/01/25 12:32:11)

Work time:

Round the clock

Account registration

Terms of

Only registered users can use the discount program of our service when making an exchange. On the page where you publish information about us as a partner of our service, you should clearly indicate the services provided by our service. It forbidden to place a partner link in mass mailings of letters; on sites that distribute any material that directly or indirectly violates the law. If these conditions are not observe, the account of the offender will block without payment and explanation of the reasons. The Partner bears full responsibility for the safety of his data (login and password) for accessing the account. These conditions can be change unilaterally without informing the program participants, but with the publication on this page. More detailed information about the partner program in the section PARTNERSHIP.


* fields with an asterisk are required


Код валидации

To register a new account on the system, all fields must be filled in accordance with the instructions. If you already have an account, click Sign in.